Thursday, August 18, 2011

My novel blood tooth will be real dark?

im 17 but if i do have it published, don't let your 3 year old son or daughter read it the opening goes like this, mr. cortez goes out to find his two sons he see's his oldest son luther drinking a dead boys blood and his youngest son kane transform into a wolf like creature

Does tinted moisturizer cover up your natural flushed look?

Hi, as the question asks, does it cover up your natural flushed look? I often work out, and so I have a really nice pink color on my cheeks afterwards. I was just wondering because I'm considering buying the Laura Mercier TM, but not sure if I need to buy blush also. Thank you!

California state university east bay?

hi! i am 15 from nashville and i want to go to csu east bay school of nursing i have a gpa of 3.6 and doing cross country for 2 years, tennis for 3 years, and band for 2 years, i am also in the beta club( volunteer group) , and volunteering at the local hospital for 2years, i plan to take my act and WILL get a 22 on it! :) is this good enough? is there anything i can do to improve? and can you tell me more about the school academically? oh and last question do you think i will be behind or ahead or fit in fine if i go there?..since i live in tennesse.

When does Ghusl (Islamic ritual bath) become obligatory to perform?

How would you get an without touching a man/women or with yourself? If it's with yourself make fresh wudhu and a man or women whom youve had fluids exchanged then make Ghusal. Touching the opposite non-mahram calls for fresh wudhu

Looking for a game called undying or undead?

Sounds a lot like a Resident Evil or Silent hill game, search through each of these games and find one the could say dying or something in

How do I cure my Halo 3 lag/NAT problems?

first kick every one off the computer in your house or on anything that takes internet if that doesn't work reset your router if that doesnt't work some one is most likely stealing your internet or if you dsl its kinda slow anything under will be bad anything above dsl should be good :)

I bruised my bum and now it really hurts?

so i was bouncing on an excerise ball and then the ball rolled away when i was in the air. i landed on my bum. from 3 feet in the air. it hurts in the lower back area. but my right bumcheeck and tailbone are achy to move when i stand up, bend down, or sit down or even walk. do you think i fractured it or roke it? the ground wasnt very hard, it was one of those plastic floors with squishy stuff under. right now im putting ice one it. and im going swimmin tmrw, so should i go if it still hurts? thanks guys! u rockk!!

at twelve what should i do ?

I am 12 years old and I have a boyfriend we were home alone at his house seen as his mum and dad were at work for another four hours when we got in. When we arrived we sat on the sofa switched the telly on and just watched telly for half an hour. My boyfriend got nearer to me and put his arm around my shoulder and i kissed him on his lips before we knew it we were snogging it got out of control we took of it others clothes in the bedroom and before we knew it we were having like grownups. No protection nothing. I have heard it was dangerous and I havnt had my period. I think I am pregnant. Help me. Only one person knows about this and its my boyfriends mum she was the one who caught and stopped us and had a talk with us. My mum doesnt know HELP.

Soy milk allergy appears after months of soy formula?

I have a soon to be 1 yr old that has been on soy formula since he was three months old because he has a severe milk allergy (it touches his skin and he brakes out in hives). Last week I tried some organic soy milk in his formula, and ever since he has had a horrible rash with horrible diarrhea. I took him to the doctor who didn't listen to me at all and completely ignored the fact that my son was having trouble with something (we are switching and going to an allergist next week). I kept him off anything that had a trace of soy in it, and now he is back to normal. Since he was on soy formula stage 2 without problems does anyone know if it would be safe for him to return to it? I know he needs that nutrition, but I don't know what else to give him unless I put him back on infant formula that is hypoallergenic. He's been drinking pedialyte because of the diarrhea but he can't drink that forever. Any thoughts are welcome, thank you!

Josh Barfield?

He's on my fantasy team and I want to drop him. I have Ian Kinsler and I have a DL spot open so I could pick up Rickie Weeks. Also, Jose Lopez is still available. What should I do?

law question????????????

Well first it means that you shouldn't have w/ anyone that's a proved-virgin w/o the consent of his/her parents. The 2nd part is self-explanatory.

How to deal with an unreasonable roommate?

Well the both of you need to talk to the other roommate. Let her know that if things do not change within a certain time frame you guys will ask her to leave. Also let her know that if she does change and starts to repeat her old pattern she will be asked to leave. By doing it this way you guys will have time to prepare for the loss of income untill you find someone else to fill her spot. There is no sense of living in an unhappy enviornment.

Fantasy basketball: Should I drop Richard Jefferson?

I am getting tired of his low fg%.He only gives me pts, and ft% and the occasional 3. He is not a good rebounder, or per and averages less than one steal a game. With players like Francisco Garcia, Morrow, Beno Uhdrih, Mario Chalmers, Blatche, and Moon would you drop Jefferson fo someone else?

I need help about plants please!!! help me!!!?

we have an ignment about unusual plant products. for example. bubblegum, ice cream with rose as an ingredient. raincoat made of cogon gr, etc. please i need more products. the more unusual/unique products you can give the better, ill give you 10 points for best answer.. thanks!

What if the bomb had not detonated at Hiroshima?

Watching a recent doentary on the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, i got to thinging, what if the bomb had failed to work. the doentary said that the bomb operator on the Enola Gay, William Parsons, embled the triggering device in flight. If he had done it wrong (if) and the bomb failed to detonate and just dropped, and did not explode, into a Hiroshima street?

Is zoomania, zoo tek pheonix, zoo admin, etc.. safe to download from?

can you please tell me which ones are safe to download things from and WONT give me a virus....and if you know of anymore websites to get zoo tycoon 2 animals from that are also safe and wont give me a virus...thank you!

Horror Film Title/Name?

I remember watching a movies where a child was trapped in a house with electrified windows. Also, the refrigerator was chained and locked. And in the basement he was counting gold coins and used burning/ melting candles to flip the coins as he escaped. Has anyone ever seen this movie and know the title? Thanks!

I farted on my kid, she collapses. Is this a crime?

So I was doing some work around the house, I thought the wife and kids had gone out shopping for the day. However one of my kids, my 8yr old daughter, was left at home. I was unaware of this and walking around the house in my tighty whities, and doing some home improvement after a breakfast of fruit loops and milk (I'm lactose intolerant by the way, but no one was supposed to be home so it didn't matter). As I was working in the basement, I bent over to get some tools, and my daughter sneaks up behind me and says "hi daddy!". This scare the crap out of me and I let out loud, powerful, stinky, poot! Right in my daughter's face! She catches the full whiff and collapses on the ground. I thought she had ped out but she was luckily ok, but very shook up. I'm still in my underwear, so after reviving her I rush to get dressed. She is in tears and I feel awful. Am I in trouble? Will she be ok?

What is this guy doing right now?

I have a guy 'friend'. We are attracted to each other but my family hates him so we can't see each other much right now. I do him favors and he does me favors. He used to use me but over time he seems to have put a lot of trust in me (like giving me pwords and having me meet his new girlfriends lol). However 2 days ago he asked me to come sell him some stuff I got (which I have done in the past). I said I had to wait and he begged me to please come and would show me what he was getting me for xmas. I brought over about $60 worth of groceries and he took them and showed me the necklace in an ad he was getting me for x mas. He said his mom liked it too (so he told her about it). Then he gave me his ID to hold till he got the money from his cousin because of COURSE he was running late and I had to go home. Well it's been 2 days and now he's unreachable. I still have his ID tho. Was I stupid ? And is he really getting me a necklace?

How can I improve in the 400 meter?

Run the distance with a 2 meter rope tied around your waist and attach a car tire or weight at the end of it. Train regularly using this technique and try to meet your current running time. After a while your body will compensate with the extra strain. Thus, when you run without/drag weight you will be faster and improve your time. Also, do all the things you mentioned.

What the heck is Ambrosia?

I wikipedia'd it and I still dont understand what it is... Its some kind of nectar? Somone said they eat it for Thanksgiving dinner...Can anyone explain?

Im Having My Hair Cut Tomorrow And I Cant Find Any Images That I Like For The Sort Of Hair I Want. Please Help

I Have Shoulder Length Hair And I Want To Die My Hair Brown Underneath My Blonde And Then Have My Blonde Layered. Or Something Very Similiar. Please Put Some Links With A Image Similiar To What I Want. Thank You =D xxxxxxxx

Having issues with my neighbors 110cc kid ATV?

I have a couple questions I hope someone can help me out with. My neighbor bought a little 110cc quad for his daughters for Christmas. Christmas morning they had it out and were riding around on it in the snow (which was nothing more than a slight dusting). As the snow started aculating, the quad sat. Finally last week I coaxed him into trying to get it running for his kids. Obviously, it didn't start. (I asked him if he put any Sta-bil in the gas and ran it through the carb, which he hadn't). So the battery was put on the charger and I came back the next day so we could disemble the carb. The float was completely stuck and I freed that up, cleaned it, then put everything back in in reverse order, making sure the float valve moved freely. Then I took apart the pilot jet and main jet, cleaned everything, then reembled. I checked the condition of the throttle slide (everything was in working order. The carb looked perfect! No gunk or crap was left in it anywhere. So back on it went, all the hoses were attached in the same way they came off. We fired it up and the engine lit with a little choke and held its idle pretty well. So of course now we gotta try it out! So the both of us are riding around on this little baby quad trading off every couple minutes running around the yard, up the road, through my yard and whatnot. Here's where it started acting funny. Once the engine started getting hot, it seemed like there was a fuel starvation issue. We would go to punch the throttle, and it would just completely bog out and die, like someone had kinked the fuel line and it wasn't getting enough gas anymore. Mind you, all this started happening about 10 minutes after we had been riding on it. Once it would cool down, we could go back, fire it up, and it would hold its idle and accelerate with either of us on it until the engine started getting hot again, then run rough or cut out completely. My question is: is it possible the carb is going into a vapor-lock kind of situation from the heat of the engine? The carb is directly above the engine because the engine cylinder is laid out in almost a near horizontal way. Both I and my neighbor are stuck at this point. Any help is appreciated.

Theme song suggestion for our church youth camp?

The theme for our youth camp is Crossover: From Death to Life. the song can be slow or up-beating as long as the message is there. Preferably contemporary like Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, Lincoln Brewster, Jeremy Camp, Planetshaker,....those kind of Christian music.

Haircut help pleaseeee?

pics. maybe you should grow longer bangs then just ask for a small trim. or tell ur hairstyle person what u want

What baby names for girls do you like?

well when i get older and have kids I want to name my first born girl Gwennith Rose(yes with two ns and and i) I like alyssa claire out of the whole list but it all comes down to what you feel is the best.

NROTC? What schools offer it?

So here's the deal. I'm a jr in high school and I want to go to the military and college so I figured hey why not do NROTC but when I was looking at schools that offer that they are really hard to get into so I wanted to know if there are any schools that offer nrotc that you can get into with like an 80 average

If condemning a house wont absolve you of a mortgage, what options are there?

My friend's mother (foolishly) bought a house without having it inspected. They discovered later that there was no insulation in the ceiling and the insulation in the walls is questionable. They can't afford to heat the house because of the lack of insulation, they barely keep the heat on to prevent the remaining pipes from freezing. They also discovered the house was ridiculously old and half the plumbing exploded (as a result of the pipes being old and made of a material that is no longer used in newer homes). The rest of the plumbing still needs to be replaced- of the two bathrooms, one toilet doesn't work and the other shower doesn't work. The hot water has been turned off everywhere except for the bathtub that does work. Had his mother been in her right mind and had the house inspected before she bought it, it would have failed and not been sold. The house should be condemned, unfortunately she has three mortgages and a car payment. She is in debt up to her ears and the only thing that keeps her from drowning is her son living with her, giving her half his income (and then some). When her son decides to move out she will be in serious trouble. Is there some program or organization she can give the house to that will pay off the debt and either fix the house up and resell it or tear the house down and sell the property? If she can't get rid of the house, maybe some charitable program can at least repair it to be "up to code"/livable? Like habitat for humanity or one of those reality shows? "Pimp my house?" lol (I don't watch tv so I don't know if they have a show for fixing crappy homes) They both have decent paying jobs so they don't qualify as "Low-Income" but all the mortgage payments, the inefficient yet ridiculously high heating bill, on top of all the other various bills not to mention trying to keep food on the table make it impossible for them to afford any kind of repairs.

Too much stress :/ ?!?!?

Yesterday, my ex-boyfriend smacked me in the face, for no reason. It was just after break had finished and I went off to our next lesson. I unknowingly forgot my book and had to return downstairs where some of the boys, inculuding my ex were messing about. As I was rooting for my book he was calling me horrible names and saying loads of other stuff. I thorght it was best to just ignore him, so I did. As I was leaving to go back to lesson he called me over to help him and as I stood infront of him waiting for him to say something he just slapped/smacked me really hard in the face and ran off to cl, saying that I was a b*tch and I decerved it. After that had happened I went to find a teacher who I could tell, but they were all busy teaching, so I headed back to cl. My face still has a hand print on it and it hurts when touched. My parents told the headmaster who has talked to my ex and explained that it shouldn't of happened. To be honest it isn't the first time he has hurt me and left a mark, and I feel like the teachers arnt taking it seriously. Where in a small private school so I know for a fact if he was in a public school he probably would of been expelled by now. Today has been a blurr and I could hardly concentrate in cl. I came home and found my mum shouting at me for silly things that wernt worth the energy. I've also been talking to this guy I like and he said he liked me too ... But when I asked him weither he wanted to ever be with me he said he had to go. It's been hours now and I dout he really went out and it was just an excuse to stop the convo. I can't be doing with all this stress with home and school and even boys... Espeshially when I have exams soon ... Please help I don't no what to do I feel so lonely and isolated from friends and family please help :/ xx

Canving work? Is it cultish, or a worthy and good cause?

In years past canving the neighborhood meant that you would merely be distributing a brochure to a family and you'd stick that brochure somewhere around the door frame. It was never collecting money, so I don't know what exactly you're doing.

Why couldnt or didnt Jews fight back against Hitlers miltary?

When you take away a man's right to defend himself, it's a lot easier to slowly take all his rights away. IT was a slow progression, Hitler was very good at that.

I have a question about my mountain horned dragon!?

yes this is all normal he might be digging to find a place to hide if you dont have anything for him to hide in you need to buy one and get him something to climb on like plants logs branches ect. and they always drink like that hope this helps good luck with you lizard(:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I had a coccyx problem?

now what? the day my dad scheduals a dictors apointment it is like the pain is gone!? will an ex-ray show something wring with it even if the pain went away?

Have 1977 mercury 9.8 thunderbolt,no spark,going to replace points first,how do i check stator and the 2 coils

To check your stator and coils you need an ohms meter.You will also need to get the proper values from a manual to be sure if they are within spec's.If you no spark on both cylinders it is not a points problem.The usual cause of this is a bad stator.Hope this helps you and good luck.

What do you think of Chris Pattens views on Gender Equality in Europe?

Reminds me of another economist. Amartya Sen recently won a Noble prize, and among his best-known theories is the statistically supported theory that the quickest way to raise the average standard of living in a non-industrial living is to concentrate on getting women equality via education and career opportunities.

I think my Daughter is having with her Step-Dad. What should i do?

a little background.... i am 35 years old married to a very handsome 30 yr old Medical Student and i have an 18yr old daughter from a previous marriage. My daughter and I have had a rocky relationship for the past 3 years ever since her father divorced me over my affair with my current husband. My daughter has Never forgiven me for cheating on her Dad and till this day harbors a great deal of anger towards me. I have to admit the affair was of my design ,my choice, and done with an intended purpose to marry this extraordinary handsome medical student. But at the time i didn't fully realize the cost of my actions. After my affair became known i was summarily divorced from my Ex and he moved to France. With my aim accomplished being happily married to my lover i was finally content but sadly over time i realized the cost of my actions was the relationship with my daughter. My daughter who was 15 at the time of the divorce held alot of anger towards me and swore she would make me suffer the same pain her father suffered. And true to her word soon began flirting with her Step-Dad as soon as we married a year later. My daughter being physically mature for her age began all of a sudden to wear very revealing clothings around her Step-Dad, always called him "Daddy" never refered to him by his first name which ticked me off, she would drop forks or pencils in the kitchen and bend over alot trying to brush up against her her step-dad while he would be cooking, in the summer she would walk around the house with just shorts and a bra which really got on my nerve but the final straw was when my husband was in the pool and she asked him to help her with her swimming while she was wearing a G-String! That not only infuriated me but frightened me as well. So i sought counseling for both my daughter and myself with a Psychiatrist in hopes that our relationship could mend. But to my dismay it had no benefit whatsoever. My daughter continued her various forms of flirtations with my husband for the next 3 yrs until she graduated from highschool and got into a very good University out of State based on a Cheerleading Scholarship. I was so soooooo relieved that she would be leaving the house, would be far away from my husband,she would have her dorm , everything would be paid for. And I thought her being off to college would help her finally move on with her life, find a boyfriend and just let go of this vendetta. But to my horror my daughter decided against going to the Univeristy that offered her a full ride scholarship and instead attend the same University that my husband is doing his medical residency !!!!! Her decision really reaaaaally shocked me and has frightened me very much in how deep her resolve is to make me suffer. She moved out of the house 6 months ago moved into the dorms at the college of her choice and has visted her Step-Dad every day at the hospital!!!! My husband is very transparent and forthright with me according to him she has asked him repeatedly to conduct physical examinations on her claiming she has cancer or god knows what other bullshit illnesses she has made up. My faith in my husband's loyalty to me always got me through my daughter's flirtations with him but lately things have changed. And now im not so sure. To be quiet honest i think my daughter has Finally Seduced him and having with him. My husband for the past 3 weeks has been coming home repeatedly later than usual and he smells alot like my daughter's perfume. Moreover, my husband and i for the same past 3 weeks have been having less together. Usually, we have 5 times a week now it's like only 2 times a week if im lucky. And women know that if your man isn't getting it in the bed from you he is getting it from another woman. And i am terrified that the other woman is my daughter. I don't know how to to even approach my husband on my suspicion. I can't even murmur it to him. I drove to my daughter's dorm and asked her if she has been having with her step-dad all she did was wink at me and slam the door at my face. Please can someone counsel me in what i should do ????

Internet Issue at risk O__o?

There has been lots of pinged outs on MSN, Yahoo!, Aol, Google talk and other related chat programs like IRC, can this be a globe internet issue? because everyone has been hearing about it

My cat gets sick for 2 days .....then again?

my cat had the same symptoms 2 months ago. when i took her to the vet they said that she had an upper respitatory infection. go to the vet and get ur cat the right antibiodic

Give me 5 levels of ysis for tanzania.?

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Is Andrew Marvell Metaphysical or Cavalier poet?

Andrew Marvell is known as metaphysical poet, but his best peom "To His Coy Mistress" has a theme of carpe diem which is used by cavalier poets

Feedback of Halo Dry Dog Food?

Has anyone fed their dog Halo Dry Dog Food.....any feedback? I have a 2.5 year old Coton de Tulear and he's eaten Royal Canin for as long as I've had him but I'm looking for something more wholesome and ideally, cruelty free. Halo seems to fit what I'm looking for but wanted feedback from other loving dog owners

How can you defend this dishonesty?

Kind of confused by your question, but no, Lot didn't haggle. He was just kind of asking God whether he would still destroy the cities if there were any rightous people there, and God told him that he wouldn't.

What does UPS "out for delivery" mean?

I sent in my Xbox 360 to Mesquite Texas and it got there 8/01/08 and i tracked my order today on UPS and it says 8/04/08 OUT FOR DELIVERY. I live in kentucky....will i still maybe get it sometime today?


I'm turning 14 in the beginning of February and I know it's silly but I'm having an English themed birthday. I want it to be elegant and mimic a cute little English afternoon tea party. I need ideas! I'm going to have Fancy Cakes from Little Debby, (dainty little cake squares, extremely good) instead of a birthday cake. I'm also going to make tiny sandwich triangles. I'm going to try to find a white or light pink table mat at party city or something and have a tin bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. Any ideas on what else? I really need help!!!!!! Thanks! :)

Today i found my mouse laying on her side, i think she had a stroke what should i do? Plz Help!!!?

Yesterday she was fine. But just about ten minutes ago i found her laying on her side. Right away im like something is wrong with Gretchen. I took her out of her cage and she cant tilt her head normally. She was fine as a baby when i got her, she never had a head tilt. And she has a female partner that looks after her and she looks after. Right now her partner is laying next to her. I really dont know what i should do. I think she might p. Any advice, if so plz answer soon!!! T.T

Werewolf books? Fairy books?

I really enjoyed the Artimis Fowl series. It is about fairys and a boy genious, but the fairys are not the traditional type.

A charlie horse calve injury?

I got charlie horsed (kneed) really hard in the back of my right calf, now its like cramped and sore. How can i fix this?

Do i look like a pakistani?¤t=irishman.jpg&t=1297289806351

Loading Cursor not going away?

For the past few days my cursor shows both the arrow and the loading cursor (the hour gl) next to it. I have restarted my computer many times, I have left it off over night, yet I still have the same problems. A few of my other programs such as CCC (ATI video card's program) won't open either, something to do with missing DLL's. Would this be the cause of the problem? Thank you in advance.

Problems with my eyes?

I personally would either see a different eye doctor or an allergist. If I were you I would call both places and explain your symptoms and kind of feel out what they say. Did you ask your primary doctor which they think you should see? They should at least be able to tell you that!

Can you take Army ROTC at a Junior College and transfer to NROTC?

I am currently a candidate for the NROTC scholarship and if the scholarship doesn't prevail then I was considering going to Junior College for two years then transfer to Texas A&M or UT Austin. However , both community colleges (Blinn and ACC) only offer Army ROTC. Is it possible when I transfer colleges to transfer to NROTC?

Do you agree that legalistic preaching is............................…

.................. nothing less than people-pleasing, ear-tickling, popularity-gaining, self-serving, carnal preaching because it appeals to people's pride by telling them what THEY can do to be a better Christian instead of giving the glory to Jesus by telling them what He has already done and that their only response is to rest in His work.?

Mount Rushmore Hours, and Fee's?

We bought our parking p at the entrance to Custer State National Park. It's one of the BEST and least expensive trips we have ever taken! Enjoy.

I am a ***** to everyone!! A really long story but please read.?

When I was younger I used to be this little sweet caring girl who would never hurt anyone's feelings or physically hurt anyone. I was so happy, sweet, caring but then my world all came crashing down. I had to move to London, to UK a country I didn't even know what the language was. But I came here and enrolled in secondary school ( I am now in grade 9 going to grade 10) and I found out what bullying was. I was bullied for two years, I had to drag myself to school, every night dreading waking up in the morning. But I learned to not care, stand up for yourself and be confident and that raised my self esteem. But it also killed the person I was before, now I don't think about anybody else's feelings just my one's. I take education seriously and I get good grades plus I'm a honor student. But now I seem to be a *****. Two years ago I met this guy, he is a pacifist (that is somebody who doesn't believe in violence of any kind), but he started playfully teasing me but at that time I took it as bullying so I did what I usually do with bullies and became a ***** to him, but he kept on coming back to me no matter how much I might have hurt him or whatever I said or did to him ( I called him a lot of names, threatened to kill him the day I met him, hit him a couple of times and basically being a ***** to him trying to make a shield by hurting him so he wouldn't be able to get to me if he ever hurt me, but he never did.) he kept coming back, he would be calm and I would be angry he would speak in a normal tone I would shout and scream I would walk away he would chase after me. And we kept doing this for two years till one day he stopped talking to me, he would often look at me but he wouldn't dare to say a word to me or come over. And this hurt me, and I realized that my aggressive behavior pushed him away, and that hurt me, I don't know why but it did, I realized I wanted him to be there but now he wouldn't be, that he was the only one who was truly there all the way I got bullied the one who never said a mean thing to me the one who never hurt me before and that's when I realized I loved him. So we never spoke again for 6 months till one day I started a conversation, we kept talking since then and got him a make up present for Christmas and he got me one back. Since then we talked more and more but I started being a ***** again. And I hurt him again unconsciously but I did, somebody complimented him and he smiled but then I disagreed with the compliment and made it sound like an offence coming from me and then he stopped smiling, his eyes were sad and then he simply said I agree with you. He agreed with my offence. Then I tried to say sorry but he said he won't forgive. However the next day he waited for me and pretended nothing happened.I feel like I lost his trust now because I also found out from his friend that he lied to me (I tried to confront him about it but he quickly and easily changed the subject) which hurt me very much. I love him but I feel like I lost a part of him and I feel like I'm going to loose the rest if I don't change. Please what do I do? How do I stop being a *****?!

What do you think of my poem?

i think it is good, but if you want it to be better i would use more words to describe the situations and feelings you have to bring it to life, like say when he is the dark train, a wowing sleep rests on our eyes , yet it does not find us.try to start some of the second verses with other words than yet. try saying like , but do not come out rather than yet do not come out. i just think it brings it all together more and it doesn't seem so segmented. maybe use wanting or yearning to describe minds. and perhaps say never materializing in reality instead of yet again. i would do away with the and to begin the second verse, say when sleep does find us we are woken maybe say when the words are finally spoken instead of do come out and maybe they are in silence. the ending is nice, just play with it a little. i would use Microsoft word if you have it . if you hi-lite and right click on a word in the program it will bring up a thesaurus. very helpful for projects like this one. definitely would be allot more excellent with some added color as i suggested, but a fine start on a very nice piece of work. i love the thought behind it, great job, wish you the best of luck.

Pain in my right Leg?

this sounds like restless leg syndrome! especially if it disapears when lying down in bed see your doctor for advice as it may be caused by circulation problems

I'm not able to unlock RAAM in gears of war 2 multiplayer?

I got Gow 2 for christmas and I beat the game. I then bought GOW1 and beat it. I know that you have to have the"Best served Cold" achievement to unlock RAAM. I got that along with the ones for Minh And A. CARMINE and i still don't have them....Help Plz???????

Aren't Democrats for Mc Cain merely Republicans who switched over to the Democrat party in the first place?

Since Hillary lost the Democratic Primary, I see all of these disgruntled Clinton supporters declaring themselves, Democrats for McCain. Ha Ha Ha. I find that very funny. Who are they trying to fool. A true Democrat would never vote for a Republican, regardless or race, color or creed. After Bush's two terms in office, a lot of Republicans switched over to the Democratic Party. After the Democratic primary it has become quite obvious that the so-called Democrats for McCain are merely Republicans who refuse to vote in a minority as president. That's my take on it. What do you think?

How Can We Get From Here to There ?

It `s time alot of people stopped denying what is widely known to be true .Every one should be putting pressure on these countries(ours for one)who pretend to promote what is good but behind the sceenes only serve their self interests plus it`s easy enough putting normal people on guilt trips because they have used an aerosol but theyre bombing and destroying the world at random ,and refuse to go without a holiday abroad for the sake of the enviroment they`re complete hypocrites,for even pretending they are concerned ,the only thing they care about protecting is numero uno

How come predator were trying to kill humans..?

I think it was that the predators are hunters (of course from the name) and they had hunted every other species or most of them and had moved on to humans. But in the first one Arnold ends up killing him. In the second one if you see on the ship at the end when Danny Glover is fighting the one there are skulls all over the ship and one is an alien skull. Then they made AVP which the way I took it was a ancient ritual for all new predators. It seemed that the temple was to lure people in and use humans as the host for aliens. Grow them and then hunt them to get an acid mark on them. Then the newest one AVP Requiem is set before all of them and thats why no one knows about them in the other ones. At least thats what Ive gotten from the movies and a friend who follows sci-fi movies. Hope this helps.

Has anyone???

i'm sure you'll get through this, even if it takes a while. i've gone through many break ups, some weren't so bad but others hurt a lot. whatever you do, concentrate on anything but this person. once you've moved on, you guys can atleast be friends.

I just bought...a pocket watch necklace.?

Some items can have a spiritual energy about them and/or a spirit that hangs about this object. However, i'm sure it's fine. Also, even if it did have a spiritual energy as long as it is not negative it would be fine as well. Many things are made in China and shipped from there? Would a spirit have a reason to inhabit the space around that specific trinket? Think about it.

Pregnancy quad screening for pregnancy?

Sorry my last post I meant to put I was told 99.5% baby does not have down syndrome and 0.5% he does a dr did my ultra sound today and said spin and heart look good and baby was growing fine but she did ask if I wanted the amnio done if I got results like that does anyone seem to think I should get it done I know it's up to me just looking for a little help?

What happened to the TN couple that sent the Russian boy home?

I believe they should have been put in jail for child endangerment and never be allowed to adopt another child again

Shoulder pain, please help?

Search for acupressure points on net or youtube and follow as prescribed.. Give yourself some auto suggestions like my shoulder is healed completely and is becoming stronger day by day.. Say this while waking up in the morning and before sleeping that way you'll heal it at sub conscious level..

That book where little girl gets d by uncle..father doesnt take care of her and teacher steps in..?

I read a book for psychology cl where i had to diagnose the main character with a disorder from the DSM.. I forgot what it was called and I can't seem to think of the title.. all i know is that her father never took care of her. she had no clothes. she was very unsocial in school. her uncle d her later in the story. the teacher began to be very close with the child and was the only one who gave her a chance. the teacher like bought her a dress or something..

What do you think of this poem?

It's ok. You have your commas in the wrong places--really you don't need them at all. You do need periods at the ends of all sentences. You have the potential to become one. I suggest that you do a lot of reading of other published poets poetry to see how it's done. Also ask your English teacher to help you. I'm sure they won't mind if they see you really want help and enjoy writing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who know about company's software information system..?

The first question is how long and how many staff do you have for a "quick survey?" I would want a description of what each department does with its current software and a sample of each application used.

Has anybody play Marvel vs Capcom 2 for the xbox?

These game is priety cool?My favorite charecters are magneto and aguees my new charecter is psylocke and my best charecter sentinel.

Who is going to win the F1 world championchip this year?

I think Jenson is still the man to beat, despite his bad races of late, everyone else around isn't exactly doing great and have had as bad or worse races than JB. He's still been the best driver this year by quite a way, both in his peak performance and his consistency. Only Vettel has really been on on's level pace wise, and he's way too erratic.

Why do AGW deniers keep pushing CO2 saturation when it's been debunked time and time again?

The same person or someone reading from the same propaganda says they keep correcting me. The simple undeniable FACT is that essentially all THERMAL RADIATION from the GROUND is absorbed in the first few hundred meters. Most of it is absorbed much sooner. That is undeniable no matter what your propaganda web site might say. There is no layer in the atmosphere getting thicker like algore's infantile anti-science propaganda piece claims. Any emitting of radiation from CO2 is irrelevant since it is absorbs to extinction. That isn't relevant in warming the atmosphere which is what global warming is about. The mechanisms of positive feedback require warming from CO2 to be different than the warming from water vapor or water vapor would cause runaway warming. Molecules of air don't care if they were warmed by CO2 absorbing radiation or if it were water vapor. Pretending that it does is just anti-science propaganda. Those are undeniable FACTS. If I offended anyone's sacred religious beliefs, I am sorry to have offended you but the lies you believe are being used to distort science and the truth.

Will Shevchencko and Ballack suck this year like they did last year? (He, he!!)?

I thought they were single-handedly supposed to win The Premiership and The Champions League for Chelsea, that really happened did'nt it? Ha!!!

Another election this May? Really?

I hope there ISN"T a May election! We've had TOO MANY federal elections the past number of years! Nothing changed with the previous election and probably nothing will change if there is a May election. It would be a waste of taxpayer's money to have a May Election!

I have some swelling of one of my glans on the left side under where my wisdom tooth is growing help please?

i have a wisdom ooth growing in on my left side at the bottom and it has been causing my ear to hurt very bad also my neck it always gets worse after i eat/talk. my face is also sore on that side and my glans are swollen under the tooth. when i bend my had down it hurts.

Such a dramatic prescription change.?

If you think it is wrong. Then call the doctor and question it, they make mistakes. Do it before you invest in lens. Plus, if you have been dealing with this for years you should know what your talking about.

What to wear with this ?

wear a black and white checkered skirt, black high heels, french manicure, white eyeshadow with eyeliner and light pink lips, put your hair up in a messy side ponytail With a black headband and a black tank top underneath it with some chunky bracelets.

Are we in official recession again?

I will not be surprised to find out that Q2 GDP was actually negative after revision. Q1 GDP after revision was a shocking 0.4% and unemployment ticked up in Q2. This POTUS is bad, bad, bad, bad for the economy. If you like his performance so far, may be you need to get your head examined. Where am I wrong? (of course you can say its Bush fault. Its almost 3 years since Obama took over)

What is the most brutal trap/torture from Saw?

I know girl got away, but it was some kinda device on her head connected to her jaw and she had to unlock a device- otherwise it will set of and basically rip her head off from jaw. It was horrible. I watched every movie- every scene and I could watch but this one was very hard. I'm very sensitive to pain related to mouth, jaw, teeth. I couldn't stop myself thinking how would it feel if it actually went off. It simply creeps me out..

The Doctor Perforated my uterus during a D&C after a M/C?

well your doctor should have set you up with another sonogram to make sure everything is out and that could be a reason you are not bleeding yet. also your body does not always respond the same way. i just had my fourth baby almost 8 weeks ago and i am still bleeding from that but i never really bled heavily after birth but my doctor said i should have been bleeding heavier after each birth of a child. i was told that the lack of bleed along with continuence of bleeding could mean a piece of placenta is still attatched and has not fallen out yet. if you are worried then ask for another sonogram to see what is going on inside. sorry about your loss. now i dont see why the perforation should make a difference for you to get pregnant again because you do get cut open for a c section which is like the same thing. good luck my dear and god bless

Think I've got any chance to win? (Pokemon Diamond)?

Considering your conditions, I would probably turn back. It's pretty amazing how you could beat the Elite 4 at those levels. I went in at lvl 55, and it was still hard for me. Since you're here though, you should try taking her on. Even if you lose against her, you'll have a feel for what she's like, and you'll be prepared for next time. If you do lose though, don't save.

Downloading games and transferring to phone?

phone games i download on the pc are in JAR or JAD from and won't synchronise to my phone. What do i do?

How should i cut my hair?

you remind me of nicole riche, maybe try dying it blond & cutting it into a bob lol, i think it would look nice long and slightly flowy :)

GH-is Elizabeth close to her brother?

Steven Webber? Who the hell is that..Elizabeth's brother. My question is what is their relationship like?

Which is the most reactive alkali metal?

cesium since we dont know all the properties of francium since it is radioactive and it has a very short half life.

ISLAM QUESTION (regarding how to perform salah in mosque and friday prayer)?

Always ask Islamic questions in Holiday-->Ramadan section, or else to be prepared to receive abusive answers.

Are white and black people more alike than we would like to admit??

Why would I not like to admit being like a cool black person or an Asian? I don't blame blacks or Asians for not wanting to admit being like us.

My daughter who is 7 has been learning to swim, she hasnt noticibly improved in 10 mo, am i wasting my money?

My daughter is 8 next week. She has been learning to swim for 2 years after showing signs of being keen, always jumping in the pool etc. Shc can swim 25m no problem but has been trying to master the front crawl for 10 months now. She still breathes to the front. Everyone else in her group went up to the next level months ago. She enjoys going which is good, but I am getting despondant at the lack of progress. If this is as good as she will be then I will just take her swimming for fun. Its expensive to have lessons, do you think this is as good as she will be or at 8 next week should I persevere or have private lessons? The swim school seem to have different teachers each week which also doesn't help, any suggestions most welcome thanks x

Can i directly join uni. of texas at arlington after GRE/TOEFL?

Directly, no. You would need to be accepted by that program and would have to be finishing your bachelor's degree at your current institution before that would happen. You cannot go into a master's program without having first completed your master's degree, no matter how early you take the GRE/TOEFL and how well you may do on them. I should also note that most graduate programs are competitive, so you would have to do well to be accepted to that program over the others who apply.

We like each other but live in different states... help?

I met this really amazing guy on a cruise, and we get along great, he's everything I look for in a guy, the whole shebang. We both like each other, but here's the catch - I live in Arizona and he lives in Texas. Any advice?

I heard this that there were talks of a trade like this!!!?

It could happen, as a partial Nets fan I hope it doesn't happen because both Simmons and Hughes are overrated and practically useless. I never even liked Hughes and I have seen him play for so many teams but I will tell you that he is a distraction to the team and all he does is drop up shots all day and misses most so he would hurts the Nets team chemistry. At least with Simmons he doesn't hurt you on chemistry because he doesn't take as many shots and also the Nets get to save more money because Ager's contract expires after this season. Trust me, if you think that Hughes would help make the PPG with the starters about 76.7 then you better be ready to see Hughes shoot somewhere around 20-35% fg and also that means the other starters will less chance to shoot because Hughes loves to shoot as soon as he gets the ball.

What is this version of the Pink Floyd song?

Its themed off the "Another Brick in the wall pt 2" song and it sounds just like it, but theres no guitar sound, and the back ground just has a b like beat going, techno like, and great for warmup music. help?

What do you guys think about this car?

A 93, that makes it 15 yo. wIthout the wheels and music system its just another Impala. Way too high for me. Remember adding new things to a 15 yo car doesn't make it worth more when you go to sell it. Some people do this to hide something else wrong with the car. You need to be concerned with mileage. Things like the brakes,water pump,alternator,belts are things than might need replacing soon.

How can I get my pet horse to turn into a Unicorn???

I read something from I Love My Unicorn Magazine and it said that if you cant get a real Unicorn but you have a horse, you can turn your horse into a real unicorn by lathering it in turkey gravy and letting it soak for 2 hours...HELP! its not working and i want a unicorn so me and ma grl darci can ride her into the magical land of far far away!!! help! =D ur being a good citizen if you do answer this question!! =D

Tounge pircing?

how do u peirce ur own tung i have a peircing kit clap needle everything but i need 2 no how and where

Must find a menorah North East Florida? Please help.?

If you have a bed, bath and beyond near by...they always have them. Linens and things may have them too.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How to prepare meringue without using egg whites?

Merinque is egg white and sugar and I can't think of any other recipe to create the same loveliness.

Acne help? PLEASE?Like seriously....?

So, I have been to the derm a lot. I MEAN A LOT! Now don't say oh it's just because you're in your teens or because you'r a girl. Or anyhting stereotypical. I have used proactive for a year. I even used maxClarity, which worked for a little bit. But I have found one thing that works, regular soap and umm, baking soda, but not together. My face gets oily within three hours, I've refused accutane many times and now it's got problems, so yay on my part. But I noticed, and don't you dare say it's not, that milk products kill my back, my face, and my chest, bad cystic acne. Red, painful, holes, every where. Ughh, now please don't just say oh just stop drinking milk. I don't! I can;t even have half a chocolate chip cookie, one chocolate chip, equals a red face, what can I eat without milk? I have to stay healthy for cheerleading and we don't have enough money to souly live on fruit and vegtables. :( Please help?

The Laws of Detachment!?

the laws of detachment and other laws of logic can be used to provide a system for reaching logical conclusions called what??? detachment reasoning, deductive reasoning, reasonable doubt, or inductive reasoning??

What voltage cordless sds drill will be suitable for drilling through brick/masonry?

get a "ryobi one hammer drill" hammer drills accualy have a jack hammer action, and a regular drill will NOT do what you want. ryobi one tools are all 18 volt and its all I use

What do you think of these two poems?(kinda go together as one, but they are separate)...?

Not my cup of tea, but very visual. The emotion relating back to the color works. Sounds too needy, but if that was what you were going for you nailed it.

A program that i can mix songs and make ONE song ? like a DJ program! freeee though?

VirtualDJ is a good program as is DSS DJ. However, if you want to make a serious pro-sounding mix, you might consider getting Traktor (some versions are free) or Ableton if you want to do more interesting things with your mix. Hint: mix manually. Don't use the beatsync as they're almost always inaccurate.

Any former Friedman's Jewelers employees out there?

I used to be employed at Friedman's in South Carolina our store was not bought out by whitehall. now i'm getting all these bankruptcy papers stating friedman's owes me 640.00 dollars from employee benefits or not paying the right amount for my overtime. they want us to vote on a ballot about how we get paid back of course there is no option to get all the money owed to you back, but im confused on what to do. i do not understand these papers and in my little town there is no legal aid to help. you have to pay the lawyers just to read the paper to understand it. If you have any information please help thanks in advance!!

Why do the Angels keep Sean Rodriguez??

W(hy)TF is Sean Rodgriguez even in the Angels' organization???? He is the WORST player they've had since Kevin Appier. Everytime Kevin pitched you KNEW it was a loss. Same thing with this @$$hole, everytime he comes up to the plate, it's an automatic out. Please trade him.

Has Senator Obama stated Israel may strike Iran if sanctions fail?

Israel stated that, and regardless of what Obama or McCain says, Israel is an independent country that will act how it wants to without reflecting on our presidential candidates.

I'm and suicidal. plz help me?

share your opinions with others your parents and friends etc. they should respect you and your thoughts just like you have to put up with their bs

Who should be more vilified: Home Wrecking Hussies or the men who cheat with said Home Wrecking Hussies?

ultimately most of the blame lies with the husband, because he didn't have to fall for the temptation. If she knew he was married she should share in the blame.But the courts don't deal with adultery anymore, most states have the no fault divorce anymore. He made the choice, and he is the one who promised to love you forever, and he could have walked away from her even if she did initiate it.

What is the correct and most economical backing material for stainless benchtops. ie. mdf, particleboard,ply?

Particle board is the cheapest,....however MDF would be the best surface to work on due to it's smooth and consistent nature.

My USB Drive can't be detected, please help ASAP.?

I bought a Super Talent Pico-C 4 GB USB Drive and it was working fine throughout the 1st day. Later that night when I plugged it into the computer it started to detected it by doing the beep, but right away it stopped like it was safely removed. It repeated the detect and remove cycle like 10 times in 5 seconds. It was going crazy so I unplugged it. After I unplugged it I plugged it back in and it wasn't detected by my computer. It doesn't even show up or detected it. My other USB Drives work fine and can be detected, but this one can't. I think the USB Drive might corrupted. Is there any way to repair it? If there isn't then I'll have to return it within the 30 day warranty, but will cost me money for shipping.

What was the nickname for Eliot Spitzer's hooker?

not that I'm sayin jokes arent allowed, but this rreally kind of is a serious question. need to know it for some research

Whats a good way to start studying anatomy and neurology on my own?

i love to study this and i have alot of books and even physicians reference about medicine but i just dont know where to start... i know plenty of things already but i just dont know where to start... anu suggestions?

My friend needs to grow up. I'm starting to notice how rude she can be to me. Advice?

I'm really startying to debate my friendship with my best friend of 5 years. Everytime I say something she has to make a smart remark. One day there was a guy on the road trying to push his car and he looked like he had been tweaking. Also, we were on a tight schedule because we were going to a club and had to be there at a certain time time to get in because a friend of ours got us on the guestlist. I told my friend that we should go, and we were going to be late. The guy said he couuld use the help with the cops being around here. Which means he was probabbly hiding something. My friend told me "Stop being so mean" and she said really mean to me. And I got soo pissed I didnt even say anything. Then she said she didnt give a damn about the club, because that friend of mine had with her and then he had with me after...she said that loud infront of her sister, I got soo embared and pissed. And then later in the night I saw an unmarked car and said it looks like a cop but the

Do you have a Nintendo DS ACWW friend code?

yes oh my gosh finally som1 else lol. fc is 0216-5842-4926, town is Rapture, name is David. ok, so its sayin one of us has a firewall, i dont think i do..... try coming to my town

Are kid aloud to buy condoms.?

I dared one of my friends to go into cvs and buy a pack of condoms but he wont. We texted chacha to see if we are allowed and it sadi yes but he said thats casue chacha is in mexico and gos by mexican laws. Plus if it is allowed will they ask for you phone number or anything. by the way in 14 and a boy.

What is the best egg-replacer for baking (flaxseed?)?

I highly recommend ener-g egg replacer, but since you say you don't want to go out and buy anything, then I would say go with the flaxseed or the banana. This depends on what you're baking. If you don't mind a little banana flavor in your cooking, then banana makes an awesome alternative. If you're baking something like chocolate-chip cookies, though, and don't want them to taste like bananas, then go with the flaxseed. You have to grind flaxseed up, though, so if you don't have pre-ground seed or if you don't have a grinder, then skip it. you can also use soft tofu very well in some recipes. I've made some amazing brownies using soft tofu instead of eggs.

Did Taoism have any influence in India?

No such record is available, nor any evidence. On the contrary Taoism was influenced by Buddhism which originated in the Indian sub-continent.

Whether a Gal likes me or not ?

Be brave and show yourself to her, please don't think what she thinks, but do what you do, be yourself and let she know you better. Also let you more understand her. Try to meet her up and get interact with each other,also involve in other activities such as joining and participating with non-profit organization, get in touch more and she will answer your questions....

In metroid prime3 coruption in the planet bryyo while trying to get to the eastern energy sinature?

after the gel caverns there is temple of bryyo u go in the room and unlimitedflying guys come out i can see two orange sheild things TWO!!not 3 ,2i know im spose to grapple them but when iv pulled both of them what am i spose to do?

Do you think it is pretty pointless to ask if this race or ethnicity would date that race or ethnicity?

yes, these questions are very dumb. I don't know where you live but I live in the u.s and it is very common to see interracial couples.

What can or should I do?

I eat very healthily, I'm a 16 year old girl, I weigh 117 pounds and I'm 5'5". As I said, I eat very healthily but by the time Saturday night rolls around, I eat my dessert (chocolate covered macademia nuts) for the week but can't stop. Then I eat so much that I feel sick. Should I put some in a baggie instead of eating it out of the bag? Or should I add a pudding to my dessert instead of fruit everyday so I'm not depriving myself? Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)

Please can i get the lyrics of "awara bhaware jo hole hole gaye "?

it is sung by hema sardesai and from the film sapnay. i tried 100 times but ***** find d lyrics so thot this was d best way ! please help !

Do I qualify for dislocation allowance?

I will be shipping off to NAVY boot camp in Septmeber 08 and going to A-School for 14 weeks. Will I qualify for DLA when going to my first permanent duty station. I do have 3 dependents and will be bringing them with me.


How am I supposed to know why they arent atheists? I guess its because they are from the USA where pretty much everyone is raised as a Christian. If they were born in Egypt or Saudi they would probably be muslim.

Looking for an Omega Speedmaster 3578.51(Snoopy Moon Watch)?

I'm currently working on the cruise ships and have saved enough to buy an Omega Speedmaster 3578.51(also known as the Snoopy Moon Watch). However, not having much joy regarding retailers-can anyone recommend a retailer-either UK or US(the latter preferably Florida-based)? Thanks!!!

What is Parpadella Pasta?

I'm going to a Gala for work and in the meun they are serving Parpadella Pasta I just want to know what kind of pasta this is and what is it made of. Thank you

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I need to know about the element Arsenic (As)?

Arsenic is a metalloid. The pure element is not poisonous, but the oxides are deadly poisons. That's what I know about arsenic.

Would this work for sewing on super slinky fabric?

I would hand baste everything first. Makes the fabric more stable. I am not sure how the parchment paper would work.

Where can i buy the single you're still the one - Shania Twain?

I really need to buy the single shania twain - you're still the one fast as part of an anniversary present, i have tried hmv, zavvi, asda, tesco, play, amazon, ebay among other places and have no joy apart from people who have bad feedback, any ideas of where else i could try?

Should Robin Uthappa be selected as 2nd wicket keeper in Indian team instead of Parthiv Patel or Dines Karthik?

Parthiv & Dinesh were 2 gud wkt keepers.. bt i thnk they r nt fit in a keeper and player Uthappa is best for T20 and odi.. Dinesh & Parthiv can play on test cricket

Would you want to live in New South Wales?

You are right Kristina, Barry, Tony and the inarticulate no policies big mouth rorter, are all at the bottom of the barreI, I wont be voting for any of them. Unfortunately those are the choices we are presently stuck with. I live in Sydney love it and have no intentions of moving.

I Fancy my Female teacher, Im a Female too.?

Relax. There is nothing you can do about it anyway – she is a teacher. Infatuations like this are really normal, perhaps there may be some gay tendencies lurking but you are only young. Admire away in your head [for your own safety in school I wouldn’t tell anyone and start nasty rumours]. It will either p and you’ll admire her for being who she is or it will allow you insight into who you truly are. Don’t fret thought luv – it is quite normal.

How do you prevent mascara/liner goop in the inner corner of the eye?

Any time I line my waterline, use thick mascara or even just use eyeliner, I get nasty black goop in the inner corners of my eyes. How do you prevent that from happening?

What are the best skate decks?

go for a plan B that is what i had and since they are a somewhat new company to most places they are working harder than most old companies

Warcraft torrent download issue?

All you need to do is patch warcraft to the latest version and the CD will be required no more. a href="" rel="nofollow"

My friend is currently staying at Camp Blanding in Starke, FL for 2 1/2 months for UAV training.?

I would like to send him a letter but I can't find any information on where to send the letter to. Does anyone know what address I can send it to? Please help

Relationship after bereavement....advice please?

my fiancee died nearly 3 years ago and i met someone the other week who i am seeing...nothing serious has happened just a kiss but why do i feel like i am cheating..i feel so guilty when i think of my fiancee....i am 35 and know she would want me to meet someone else....maybe i am not ready for a relationship if i feel this bad.....any advice on this would be great

What exactly do the Taiwan Visa requirements say?

Your friend and Michael F are both right. You need to have at least 6 months validity in your pport in order to get into Taiwan without applying for visa for stays up to 30 days. eg. If you enter Taiwan on 1 May 2009, your pport must at least valid untill 1 Nov 2009 in order to enter visa free for 30 days for US pport holders like u.

Question about the film Baby It's You?

It's pretty rubbish, not a happy ending, but can be percieved in some interesting ways I s'pose... But I JUST CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!! Iv'e seen online that a lot of people feel the same way too... one question... who thinks that Jill and Sheik end up together in the end? xx

Why does my cat hate me?

Some animals just like to be let alone for awhile... Maybe something happened to it in the past? I know this stray cat we've been feeding every night for 3 years, he came to our door one day and we started feeding him. every morning and every night he would meow and scratch at the door, when we would open it up he would step back some and wait for us to put food down for him, he wouldn't let us even pet him for a whole year after feeding him..after the second year he would get to where he would come in the house and then try to run back to the door to see if we would let him out. We would let him out as soon as he went for the door, everytime someone would start talking above whispering he would get really scared and try to get outside... and now he got used to us and he comes in and lets everyone pet him and he even sits in our laps and watches TV with us.. he's still a bit jumpy when other people visit though.. he's not used to everyone, only us..

If i had out pandemonium(enchantment) and hostility(creature-incarnation…

when i played a creature spell, and pandemonium triggered, would hostility prevent the damage and put a 3/1 elemental shaman into play? or would it do the damage? if it put the creature into play it would be an infinite loop, combined with mana echoes for what ever Xspell you would like to play

Are many people in London "Snobby"/"Snooty" acting?

Not many but its a big city so you will find some. From personal experience I found some New Yorkers to be the snobbiest people on the planet. The company I was working for held a fund raiser with loads of NY socialites and they were the most stuck up bunch of people you can imagine. Very different from most New Yorkers who are great.

Is this a lot of of food for a binge?

You need to give size of portions for a calorie count but I think you did binge. An apple is two food servingss or 30 grams of carbs. The cereal is at least 15 grams and milk gives your fat content. The bread is 14 grams per slice. You can fine carb content on any package and for most women 225 grams is enough in a 24 hour period. More will cause weight gain less should cause weight loss unless you are a very active person. 1/2 cup of any fruit or vegetable should count as 15 grams except bananas and 1/2 banana counts as 15 calories. This is from a diaetic diet and counting carbs is much easier then counting calories.

What do these words on my Pentagram necklace mean?

It is one word Tetragrammaton. Which translated means literally 'four lettered name'. and refers to the four lettered name of God which is never spoken but is spelled YHVH or in the Hebrew - Yod Heh Vav Heh. This name is used quiet a bit in qabalistic magik. The symbols are planetary and astrological signs, and Hebrew letters.

What is the best thing to put in the bottom of a turtle tank? (gravel,sand etc...)?

Nothing on the bottom of the tank. Small particles can get eaten and cause intestinal impaction (slow, painful death) and even the large ones make the tank more difficult to keep clean. another way to cut down on cleaning chores is to feed them in another container. I don't, though.

Please help me answer this question! :)?

Compare and contrast individual identiy or loss of identity as it is reflected/discussed in Stevie Smith's "Not Waving but Drowning" and Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est." Any ideas/ thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I

Spiritually speaking Is there someone you need to forgive?

Yeah there's one person that i need to forgive but i find it hard because of what they done to me but i know if i keep praying the Lord will help me and i will learn to forgive

Hunter canter question?

do a two point at the canter and then bring it back and just try and be kind of still lol i dont know it that makes sense but thats how i would try to explain it

What would i need to do to become a hollywood film director?

All my life I have wanted to become a film director in Hollywood. My main inspirations are people like Stephen Spielberg and J.J Abrams. I currently live in the UK by the way.

How do you pronounce "quixotic"?

Having been originated from Don Quixote (pronounced KEE-HO-TAY, or in spanish, Don Quijote, which would be the same thing only with a spanish accent) wouldn't quixotic be pronounced KEE-HO-TIK instead of KWIK-SOT-IK? i feel so nerdy when i say it the second way.

Which is a better bike splendor + or star city 110?

Dear Saurabh, I am glad you have got your priorities right. It certainly helps to be honest with yourself first and foremost. Under the cirstances you should be looking at the Hero Honda Pion Plus or Pion Pro. This bike will give slightly less mileage than the Splendor but will have all the other lovable attributes like good road holding etc. However the power and riding enjoyment will be more. So it is Pion Pro for you. You will not regret it.

My mum is very depressed, please help?

Tell your mom you love her! And do your best to make her feel better.And to forget the past! You have one life on this earth make it count! The past is the past don't dwell on it!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does Anyone Know Anything About Raising Black Ruby Barbs?

I have just purchased a fishtank and decided to add a Black Ruby Barb to my collection.I also have a some Neon Tetras and a Catfish(One of those small tank cleaning catfishes)that I want to add to my tank.Are these fish uncompatible and are bottom feeders competive?

Julius Caesar help!! please!?

i am stuck! what are the styles ,content,literary devices, tones, figurative language, structure,diction, and syntax of Brutus and Antony speeches at caesar's funeral?

Vertical labret question?

if you mean what i think you do then it's just been turned and began healing in this position. this happened with my lip ring a while back, just gently turn it the other way and hold it, then eventually hold it straight and it should heal this way. if it's not stuck then feel free to simply turn it, this won't hurt your piercing as long as it's done gently. good luck with your new piercing!

Should Al Gore thank GOP for continuing resistance to 0bamaCare?

Think of all the carbon dioxide saved by grounded AF1 and hundreds of limousines remaining at thier parks, as Obama is going to cancel all his foreign trips.

Why is it so comforting to hear a woman coo or ogle over something that's cute?

I don't know why, but when I sit there and listen to a woman saying these sweet cuddly things to a pug puppy or whatever, I get totally turned on. Is that normal?

What caused a crazy racist goes nuts in WH?

What caused michelle obama to go nuts, run from secret service and hide in the Lincoln bedroom where it got up on a dresser in the corner and started throwing things at people? A White House staff member said that it took over 12 men to subdue michelle after 30 minutes of loud non-human screaming that left staff scared while they locked their doors and hid. Apparently it bit 3 staff members, urinated on the carpet and destroyed furniture after being told to stop drinking from the toilets and to not hang from chandeliers. What caused it to go nuts? Was someone blowing a high pitched whistle? Does anyone know if this has happened before?

Am I as crazy as they'd have me believe? -Travel Related?

There`s nothing wrong with travelling and exploring the world. I think it`s a great way to spend time. For some1 who loves adventure, this would be a dream come true. However i think it`s better if you keep balance. Like if your studying. I think you should get a degree first. Use your degree to find a good job. Save money.Use that money to go travelling during the summer.Or if you have a family maybe you can on a vacation together.So you might have to wait awhile. Or maybe you can find work as journalist or marry a person who gets transferred a lot. Some1 from the emby? So you guys can go from country to country. Wish you good luck.

I just got a lap top from my sister it was used when she got it but im trying to get on the internet with it?

it is a compaq armada 700 im trying to connect thru the ethernet cable but it does not work how can i down load a driver for it from another computer and save on a disc to install on my laptop

Any ideas how to make an outdoor wedding elegant?

i want an outdoor wedding but no sit down meal, just fingerfood and platters im not sure what kind of layout to have and im on a small budget. how do i arrange seating, tables, band and things like that. Do i need a marquee for the reception? im not sure on favours either. Any help or photos would be so helpful

Cate Blanchett or Tilda Swinton? Who's the next Judy Dench?

Cate Blanchett! She always looks amazing on the red carpet, and seems like a genuinely great person. In every movie she has a great presence. And she played Queen Elizabeth AND Bob Dylan in the same year. Not many could pull that off.

Fire extinguisher who made them?

The canisters as well as the valves are m produced and sold off to various companies that put their own names on them. As with everything else these days, the new ones are coming from China. Old br ones will have the manufacturer's name molded onto the tank.

Is "Die Hard" too scary for a 14 year old?

I love Alan Rickman, but is it too bloody and gory? I'm kinda but not too squeamish. I was sorta scared by "Sleepy Hollow". Is it gorier than that?

What is the best type of Parrot for an Apartment?

Check out the Pet Parrot Picker below. Just slide the 'Noisy' selector to 'Very Quiet' or 'Quiet' then adjust all the other selectors to whatever you want.

Why are we so fascinated with illicit affairs?

I know that society's general opinion for affairs is Bad. But can anyone tell me why people crane their necks to hear or see someone that is involved in an affair. if its so Bad why is it so attention getting??

If certain tools are required for your job are stolen on company premises, who is responsible to replace them?

These are tools that you as an employee bought when hired because they were required to do the job. They were secured in a locked toolbox on company premises. The lock was cut and the tools were stolen. Is it the company's responsibility to replace them since they did not provide adequate security or is it your responsibility?

Chemists: What would happen if someone dumped...?

...a bunch of co-centric spheres of calcium carbonate into the deep horizon oil spill hole? It's my thoughts that the oil, pressure, and water, would cause some sort of chemical reaction. What would that do? If it would work to fix this, someone please let the people working on this know about this new idea.

Need help finding a cute dress!!!!?

ok so im going 2 fashion week whoo hoo. nd the dressing is very formal no jeans or sneakers. i need help finding an awesomely cute dress. anything chic or couture would be fine 2!

How to ride the canter on a horse with quick, choppy gait?

The mare is wanting to gallop when you are asking for the canter. Try a SMALL half-halt on the canter, also ask your instructor for pointers, it is semi-hard for me to understand the issue unless I see it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Whats best Top or Bottom?

Well I'm going to have to go with living on the first floor because it is a lot better in the aspect that you are closer to the ground, so therefore you can get out quicker if there is a fire. You don't have to climb any stairs even more so being pregnant. And when your baby is starting to crawl/walk, you have to make sure at all times that he/she won't fall down the stairs. Cause lets face it you can keep a constant watch on your child but they are fast and know when you look away for an instant. Also it makes moving a thousand times easier, and less aggravation. But however the down fall of living on the first floor is you will have neighbors above you, and you will constantly hear them walking (that is if they have heavy feet). But I think that hearing the people above is a lot more worth it if you way out the advantages to being on the first floor. And of course your babies safer is the most important of all. Hope this helps. :)

What car is best for me?

Global car advice is home for manifold car manufacturers. The Honda cars, Nissan cars, Hyundai cars, Suzuki car and many more are the names that are exposed with the highlighted features in this site. The cars for sale business are enhanced by the informative blogs and car reviews represented by us and written by the experts of automobile agencies. These reviews are prompting the readers to buy used cars and new cars with proper knowledge. Have a sight of the site and get indulged into the site that makes the car.

What foods can you put in your Blue and Gold Macaw's diet to make it scream less?

Lots of love, attention, a structured day - same time for playtime and attention every day, same bed time every night, etc. Lots of toys and rotate the toys every few weeks to keep the bird from being bored. Macaws are like a feathered two year old, they need lots of love, stuff to do, structure, attention, interaction. My blue and gold loves to watch tv - you can try this or put a radio in the room and play music too.

Eyes tearing when talking about ghost but im not crying?

its so weird! when ever me and my friend talk about ghost expirenece or ghost our eyes tear up but were not crying.. its mad weird.. does any1 no what this is? like one time i was talking about ghost wit my other friend and she thought i was crying.. and when i was with my friend (the 1 who eyes tear to) we heard a ghost laugh so r eyes were tearing but we werent crying then later on that day we talked about the laugh and our eyes teared.. what is this? were not crying! i no when im crying lol i never cry about ghost soo does any1 no what this is? thank youu

(female only) Should I still pray my salah if i have redish discharge and a bit of blood.?

No i would advise you not to pray,because you are not consider to be "pure" when you are on your period you are exempted from prayers while you have you're period

Why is it important to balance the requirements of legislation with the needs and objectives of a company?

came across this question as part of a business course and don't understand it. How can you balance the requirements of the law with your company's objectives ? Surely the law is non negotiable and should be the minimum standard / objective. How do you balance it ?

This question should be answered by you if ONLY you are an optimistic person and get things your way.?

If you are one of those who easily materialize their wishes, who can get things work their way, who attract the right sort of friends and are always in a cozy atmosphere... I want to know more about you. Would you cl your self as an optimistic, positive person? How was your childhood? I want to know how do you think and feel most of time- are you happy ,most of the time. What do you feel when you see really disturbing news on TV, how do you react when a loved one is going through trauma, what do you do when a friend turns against you or when something does not work out. Most of the times, what are you thinking and feeling. Do you have any 'tricks' you can share with us- like HOW do you keep an optimistic mind set when life is crap, or how do you remain calm when things are chaotic. Do you have a temper? How would your friends describe you.

Where on the internet can i go to find people that still play stronghold-crusader?

...does anyone still play strong hold and if so where can i go on sites or where ever to still play this old school game that still kicks DONKEY for me AT LEAST.....WHERE please let me know or tell firefly studios to create somethin for this game cuz i know out of 6billion people i am not the only one who still plays this game PLEASE ..?!

Is this dress ugly i am african american wearing my hair in a hump in wet in wave ponytail is that cute?

I don't know. I personally like the dresss and what you look like shouldn't make a difference that dress would look good on pretty much any person.

I have a pinguecula. What are my removal options?

A pinguecula developed on my right eye a few days after I was born. I am now sixteen years old and I would LOVE to have it removed. My pinguecula is very large, red, and swollen all the time. It often appears to cover the entire white of my eye. Several inflamed veins run near and on the pinguecula. It hurts, itches, bothers me daily. I often feel like there is a small foreign object in my eye. Kind of like a piece of dust or sand sometimes. Drops do help, but I can't just use then all the time. No doctor, ophthalmologist, optometrist, or eye surgeon has ever given my parents a straight answer regarding what will happen to it in the future or whether I will eventually be able to have it removed. My parents had my eye examined by my pediatrician when they first noticed the pinguecula. She sent my to an optometrist who diagnosed it as a benign "freckle". Optometrist recommended laser removal before puberty, at which time the pinguecula may turn brown, she warned. It has never changed colors, although did grow by about a millimeter during puberty. A few years ago, I started seeing an ophthalmologist, who told me that it is a dermiod, and that laser removal for such a thing did not exist. Furthermore, surgical removal may damage the eye and potential for re-growth is high. The pinguecula partially touches my iris. As a result, no pediatric eye surgeon will even see me, let alone give me a consultation. I have beautiful eyes, and I would love for someone to be able to look me in the eye without asking "oh, do you have pink eye?" or "Dear, what happened to your eye?" It's never really bothered my, and I'm used to it, I'm more self confident than that, but it's getting old. All my life, since pre-school, i've answered very politely, "oh, it's no big deal. I was born with it. It's like a freckle, except in my eye. No I can't see it." I'm just wondering if anyone has had removal surgery, and what was the outcome. Please let me know! Thanks!

My OLD elemental hero deck rate Yugioh 1/10???

It's ok but why have NS Dark Panther if you don't have his Neos fusion. Anyways you need to add Neo Space. You need to take out Aqua and Marine Neos because once again Neo Space is still needed. There is only one way you'll get away with this and that is to add about 3 Instant Neo Spaces which you can get 19 or 29 cents each off of at It's ok but it needs some minor tweaks. Good luck with it and I rate it 8/10.

Takeoff on Candra's question?

It would not be exactly like you; it would be your twin, with a separate mind and history, not to mention the quantum effects would be different at the micro level...

So where do all the phone info companies go for the info that they sell the people?

For instance, if you go to search for a phone number that's unlisted, an ad will inform you that they can give you all the information about that person and many other people all for one low price of ____. Surely they're getting their information from somewhere though. What is their source?

What are the chances of getting pregnant from pre- fluids?

Believe it or not some people use the pulling out method as a form of contraception. In 2yrs of my boyfriend and i using that method ( some occasions with a condom) ive never gotten pregnant.saying that,there is still a tiny chance.

2009 VW Jetta is uncomfortable. Are there better seats that I can have installed?

The Audi seats are probably too big for the Jetta. I would suggest looking online for aftermarket VW parts. I would also suggest looking a slightly bigger set of tires when/if you replace the shocks. That may improve the ride..

HELP my doctor says i have seborrheic dermatitis? BUT read more please?

But when i went to the doctor she barely looked at my scalp. I have some dry flakes on my scalp and hair and its worse at night. I have it under control as long as i use this organic shampoo a few times a week. I went to see her to just make sure its nothing bad and see what i have but what she says i have i really dont think i have. Im looking at pics and i dont think i have that. i have no scaling or red patches along my hair line and those are symptoms. She did prescribe me some shampoo for psoriasis which isnt the same as seborrheic dermatitis and i dont think i should use it. im a white teenager and seborrheic dermatitis occurs in males over 50. SO my question is, should i use this medicine? or keep with what ive been doing even though i get flakes from time to time? what do you guys think? i honestly feel my dermatologist was wrong and i just have this torn feeling of whether i should use it or not. Also the shampoo causes hair loss and adrenal glad issues :/ i dont want to make it worse. another thing that causes this is stress and i am stressed so i think i should treat it with my organic shampoo and cut down on the stress. what do u think?

Rabbit with bald spot?

I got back from vacation today and picked up my rabbit from my neighbors house and when i got home i noticed that she had a little bald spot on the bottom (the part that attaches to head) of the ear. It is red and she inches it infrequently like when she is grooming her self, could thats have been caused buy stress from not being at home? or what? shes eating,drinking and pooping all the same

Guys, what may he be thinking?

Well like sorta play a game where you aim for two ok now move on and some how presuade him to love you. Make your relationship become lively and happy. So he can forget about the past. Warn him about things u do not like. So this relationship does not stuff it. Give him pleasure with . Make sure you don;t break up but if you do do not break up after a year.

How quickly will child protective services investigate a home?

My sister in law is going through a nasty divorce. She is making a phone call this morning to child protective services on her soon to be ex because he is living in his mom's home and taking his children there during his parenting time, and the home is absolutely disgusting. To the point that it should be condemned. Animal feces and urine all over the house along with at least 15 cats and dogs. When he takes his 5 and 6 year old children there, they are confined to one room where the animals are not allowed. They sleep on the floor on sleeping bags, and have to use a baby potty and cannot be bathed because the bathroom is so unsanitary. My sister in law does not want to take the children away from their father, she just wants them to be in a clean, safe environment, and since he continues to take the children to his mom's house after she has repeatedly asked him not to, she figured this is the only way to keep them out of that home, and force him to spend his parenting time with the kids in a better environment. So the children are scheduled to be with their father this weekend, and she wants to know if making the call today is soon enough for child services to investigate before he picks the kids up on Friday.

Are Lebanese and Jordanian Arabic mutually intelligible?

When using their regular, everyday speech (and not Modern Standard Arabic) can people from Beirut understand people from Amman and vice versa?

Why new genration r busy vit their gizmos & eletronics gazets instid of family boundness?

The same question has been asked concerning each new generation for generations. Each looks back on the other with some disapproval. One can't stop the march of progress (as many think it is). One can only help others learn to handle that progress correctly.

Does baby poop ever leak through diapers?

Ohhhhhhh yessss! With cloth ones, it just goes straight through sometimes, and with disposables it can shoot out in all directions! A friend of mine was going on a short flight with her newborn and had everything packed and checked-in. Her little darling then did decided to fill his nappy - to capacity and beyond! Not only did she have to change him, she also had to go and buy a whole new set of clothes (at airport prices!).

_________________Friend troubles :( finding friends? pretty easy points____________?

Time is something that we, humans have no control over, although we all wish we could. I know that you want to see quick results, but believe me, strong, true, and loyal friendships come over time. Good Luck!

Gosh, am I insane or what?

I dont think your insane. I think your trying to save the world one person at a time. And you just cant. you cant help "Mike" more than he wants to be helped. If he wants to be your friend he will come around. If not let it go and make new friends who actually want to be there. If he thinks you are putting to much pressure on him you maybe and just not realizing it. Let "Mike" come around in his own time. Until then wipe away your tears and keep bust with other things.

A teacher slapped my child in the back can I sue?

another little boy saw the whole thing he's the one who told me first then my 8 year old confirmed it and he said after she slapped him hard in the back she said "Now Go Tell Ya Mama That!!I then went to the principle and when I walked into the office there was another angry mother with her son who said the same teacher slapped him in the back because he was writing in cursive the day before she hit my son. The funny part is she's not even my son's teacher.She had bus duty. I took my child to the e.r. and the doctor said he had a small abrasion. I know it's not that bad but she will hit another kid tomorrow if she's not dealt with.

Should i get avp the game?

im thinking about getting avp but it has bad reviews but so many non critcs say its a really fun game

ABUSEIVE husband?

I am so sorry for you. Tell him bye bye and to answer the door cause the police are here for him. Get a restraining order

Do I still have a chance to significantly raise my GPA and cl rank?

Your fine as you are. You should be content with the cles you are taking. My school doesn't even offer all those AP cles and the ones we have they're super exclusive. Stop trying so hard and relax before you get a heart attack.

Dealing with dog aggression?

Hah, I just got done thinking about how Dalmatians had their temperament ruined by over breeding. First off, where did you get her? That will answer most questions. Many BYB breed Dalmatians who become very aggressive. You may want to invest in an animal behaviorist and in the meantime be very careful.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Seltzer vs water ?

so i know that water is good for your skin and what not. Does seltzer do the same thing, since its just flavored bubbly water?

How could ancient people selectively breed corn if they didn't know about genes and inheritance?

They knew which plants gave the best yield in quantity or some quality or other they were interested in, and had a sensible preference for using corn from those sources; the best ones. They knew about the results of the processes around ten thousand years earlier then anybody knew about genes. Getting results isn't necessarily dependent upon knowing how stuff works.

Does anybody know the jeans with a double waistband and sit low on waist?

I've been told that they cost about $120 dollars. They have a squiggly line design on the back pocket and are boot cut. The pair I saw were a dark denim. Anybody have any ideas?

How would you resign from your job? This is a toughy!?

I would not say anything until you had it stamped in gold you are going to get this new job. I would not say anything.....Wait and see what happens. Then if you get it, just let them know you have been offered a new job and you are going to take it and you want to give your 2 weeks and if they send you packing that day. Well that's is their problem.

Why does this happen? (details)?

Hmm, good question. I guess it's what's in the crayola that makes repeatedly come out. The sharpie is most likely easily covered because what's in it is probably weaker than paint. Sorry for stating the obvious. I'm not sure how to answer this one.

Should we end foreign aid?

America generously donates $700 billion a year to foreign aid and the world food bank. Many economists believe the money only helps a small percentage of the worlds population. Foreign aid was established to metaphorically teach a man to fish (help poor countries to become self-sufficient), but it is now being used just to provide a negligible amount of food and vaccines. Do you think we should end foregin aid when were about $11 trillion in debt?

Isn't this the easiest way to handle the health care issue?

If you are for it you will have more money taken from your check as an insurance policy so to speak if one day you are unfortunate and don't have health insurance. If you are on welfare you are automatically enrolled and you receive less of a stipend to pay for it. If you are against Obama Care you will be allowed a one time opt-out,you can't get back in and if you get sick and don't have insurance hospitals/doctors are allowed to deny treatment based on YOUR opt-out. I have insurance and would be more than happy to pay an increase in tax to have a safety net if I someday didn't have it. Just change the oath that doctors and hospitals have to treat everyone. Seems simple to me.I think it should be up to individuals not states to determine if you want it or not. Believe me if people knew they wouldn't get treatment they would buy it.

Who's going home tomorrow night on Dancing with the Stars?

Marie or Jenny has to be going home. Their dancing just isn't as good as the rest of the celebrities.

In the Sookie Stackhouse series does Sookie *cough* with Alcide, ( if you know what I mean.)?

Just curious and im at a sort of slow part of the story wondering if anything happens between the two of them...

15 questions.. if you know any of them plz help?

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Whats giong through this guys mind if you were the guy what would you think?

theres this guy i liked since last year in 10th grade he was in 11 i never met him but we always use to stare at each other in the hallways and gym he had a girl friend we had no mutual freinds no real way to meet i am now in 11th grade and i barley see him but he still stares at me his girl is no longer in the school i dont know what to do come on are were just gonna stare at each other for the rest of the year and if he likes me he should try to come up and talk to me even though it would be completly random in his part cause we never talked so i understand why that migth be akward and imbarising we barley see each other what should i do iam 99 percent sur he likes me i just cant come up to him radomly and say hey i too imbarist he just stares and sometimes smiles but turns bac really fast hes a really atractive guy and seems confident he could get any girl but i think hez too shy to come up to me and iam way to shy too what signs should i give him whats giong through this guys mind if you were the guy what would you think

Justice be served! I believe that the car ticket I received was unfair. What's your opinion?

Yes this was fair, it doesn't matter if they were removable you should not have screens on our front window it hinders the drivers view and endangers the other drivers on the road. So get over it and pay the bill

Westerners in china?

Why does it surprise you? White people have been taking the piss out of China for centuries. Just look at how they carved it up in the 18th/19th century. There is a sense of racial supremacy, and worse, alot of Western men see China, and the orient as a place to go to get easy . It's not helped by the fact that alot of oriental women see Westerners as a way to improve their lives. You'll see when you get there. Enjoy!

Standby Juror in Chitown..?

A friend of mine got a note about a month ago to call to be a standby juror, she put it aside and when the day came (which was yesterday) she forgot! She noticed it this morning at about 10am and is now in a panic....what is the next step so that she doesn't get fined?

Hibernate sessionFactory?

i want create hibernate session Factory using JNDI data source in MyEclipse 6.0 ,and iam using Tomcat 6.0

Anyone find it strange that our Commander in Chief doesn't know what a Navy Corpsman is?

Yes, but he isn't military oriented. What I find stranger is that an educated man doesn't know the difference between "corps" and "corpse" in general, remember the FDR Civilian Conservation "Corps", how about Kennedy's Peace "Corps". I think Clinton also started some sort of Leftist "Corps", it's a word that isn't just used by the Military (it was easy to think up 3 Socialist examples). Even stranger is that if he is so smart that he doesn't have his teleprompter writers spell things out phonetically and/or rehearse his speeches.

Need help printing spooler not running urgent!?

so I had to re post this I do not know much about computers. My computer got infected with the trojan virus and my printer stop working. After trying so much i finally got a software that got rid of the trojan i have a couple of virus protection software install and my computer is clean. only problem is that my spooler is not running i did tons of Research but the majority asks me to go to services and find printer spooler on the list only big problem is I do not have it. I found a folder its C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool i don't have any printer install at all and when i try to install a printer it wont let me. I cant find a free software that dosent charge me so any advice would be good or any free software anything its frustrating. Like i said i dont know much about computers but im really trying to print its urgent??

Is Iman Obama mad at Harry Reid for his mosque comments or?

his comments calling Obama a "light skinned n e g r o" last year. But I guess that's OK for the hypocritical liberals. If he was a Republican they would have skewered him. what a joke the dems are.

Will my rotator cuff ever heal fully enough for me to enlist?

I had surgery on my shoulder for shoulder instability. You will eventually heal from the surgery but it does take quite a while. Make sure you stick to the rehab.

Why do people feel it's any of their business when a teenager is pregnant?

Well if they come on here and say "OMG...I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do" or "I'm pregnant and I'm proud of it" it's like you obviously are not mature enough to have a baby and your stupid. But just seeing a pregnant girl on the street that is not shouting it off of rooftops or is in the store excitingly buying her baby clothes and toys then no I don't think bad of them. I actually really respect them for having the baby whether they keep it or give it up for adoption. You are right though, people are very judgemental and that was very rude of that lady who did that to your friend, and she def. got what was coming to

How do you handle uncivilized behavior?

The other day I was sitting in the penger seat of my parked car with the engine off in a parkin outside of the bank. As I was nonchalantly sitting in the car waiting for my hubby to cash a check so he could pay his employees a car pulled up in front of me and stopped. The driver looked at me and a stare down began. This went on for about three minuets. I didn't really know what was going on and then I thought to myself: "Maybe she is staring at me b/c she wants to park in this exact spot and thinks since I am in the penger seat I should get out, go into the bank, ask hubby for the keys, come back out, get into the drivers seat, move the car onto the side street or double park someone else in, allowing her to take the spot?" No, couldn't be. That would be totally off the wall. After the confusing stare down she backed up a little, stopped, and waved for me to exit the parkin! I called my hubby on the cell and asked him how much longer he was going to be b/c a lady wanted to park where he had parked the car. He told me he would be out in 5 minuets and that she could wait for a spot to open up just like we did and just like everyone else. After I got off the phone, round two of the stare down took way. I just continued to look around at people walking by and tried to ignore the situation. Eventually, the five minuets ped and we started the car and began to pull out of the parkin (an unmarked spot by the way: not a handicapped spot, not a employees only spot, just a regular old spot.) When we began to pull out she began to zoom into the spot before we could entirely pull out. She slammed on her breaks and then threw her hands up into the air and shouted "what". We drove off and continued running errands the rest of our day. So, was this a little uncivilized? How was I supposed to handle this? Should I have gone into the bank to get the keys? I am quite confused.

Questions about the sookie stackhouse novels...?

I think this is her last one the10th book,so we'll find out who Sookie wants to be with Eric or Bill.

How does one know the rarity of a Yu-Gi-Oh card?

Good question! But the rarity means Absolutely nothing if the card isn't in mint or near-mint condition. With that said, there are several "levels" of rarity in Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. The rarest are Secret rare, I believe. They have a sparkly holographic picture and a sparkly silver foil name. Sorry if I'm no help. I can't afford the cards anymore. But my best advice for you is buy a price guide or Beckett magazine and look them up.

Lawyer's got us by the - our lawyer.... any advice?

Sorry you are having this trouble. It's very likely you can get another lawyer, one who won't mind waiting on some pay if it's like you describe...since you paid the first lawyer your new lawyer can get that jerk off your back and maybe recover the money, or some of it for you. Some lawyers are jerks some are not. You might also wish to look and see if there is a legal clinic for low income people in your area. Or, you local office of the Bar ociation. Good Luck!

Anyone remember Rwanda in 1994?

I suggest you read Jared Diamond's book "Collapse." Rwanda occurred because the country is overpopulated and cannot support all the people in the country. They had to do something or starve. They chose to kill off a large part of the nation.

Should I say sorry or let it be? Please help..I'm having a huge confusion.?

I stopped talking to my best friend a month back because she'd gotten pally with some other girl who'd got her talking only about guys. My best friend was now just roaming around with that other girl, in her colony, adding random guys on Facebook and sort of ignoring me. When I confronted her, she felt bad and tried to make up and stuff. It stayed for somewhile but then whenever I'd hang out with them, I felt left out and slightly bored. Soon, I became better friends with someone else who was also a good friend of mine. We'd always been together but now both of us sought some refuge in the other. I lost all contact with my best friend and now she's deleted and blocked me on Facebook. Should I say sorry and patch up or just let it be?

So theres this boy and im confused? Help? 10 points!?

Lol well it looks to me that it'd be better for the BOTH of you if you just took it slow for now on. I dont know how old you are but im a teenager and your taking this too fast....slow down. We have a full life ahead of us so dont rush it. If its possible for you two to remain friends than let it be that theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. You guys should feel each other out a little more(relationship wise) and figure out whats the best for you two.


Well... I tried on my computer (Windows Vista), but haven't got it to work yet. Since i used a disc for this, it might be a little hard for you to understand. So when your computer first boots up, it should say like the maker of your computer, so do what the screen says and enter setup. Once in setup, go to advanced, Settings and change the boot 1 to CD-R so the computer can boot the the CD drive first, then the OS should pop up and you are good.

Can I do this? [Hermit ]?

I was playing outside one time with my nephew when I saw a long branch that seemed to be cut through the middle, as well as a "drift wood" feeling thick/small stick/log thing. I brought both inside and put them in my soon to be Hermit Crab Aquarium. I cut up the long branch so I have several of them, and put the other drift wood thingy at a slant. Can I do that? I plan on eventually buying artificial twisty branches as well as real driftwood instead. They're going to be in a 29 gallon aquarium with 4-6 hermit .

Why are there so many evil figures in the clergy/priesthood?

It seems that every week another story comes out about a clergyman or priest being arrested or under suspicion for really horrendous crimes--many of these crimes involving children. Why is that?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Great way to flirt with a boy who likes to put his arm around you?!?

Okay this guy i secretly like always calls me his "buddie" and puts his arms around me or put his arm on my shoulders, and well I am in kinda a pickle. :P I've ran out out flirty things too say and do?! Heelp!?

Would it be odd or ok for a man to change his surname to a hyphenated one after marriage?

My friend is going to get married next month and she wants to keep her last name (Montes) and hyphenate her husbands (Romero). And when they have kids, she wants her kids to have the hyphenated name: Montes-Romero. Would it be weird and completely against tradition if she asked her husband to change his last name to Montes-Romero? That way they would all have the same last name. Or it it more appropriate for her future man to keep his name as it is?

HURRYS ON UP! HELPS ME OUT! RIGHTS NOW! Need help picking out prom attire for my daughter?

HURRYS ON UP! HELPS ME OUT! QUICKS! ok? i need some helps picking out approp prom attires for my daughter, mist. her juniors prom is coming ups, its just peeking right around the corners and its time to hoist ourselves into this and start getting some ideas for proms wear ok? Mist has already asked her girlfriend Mandy to attend the juniors prom and she accepted so they will be goings together. Mandy has already picked out a white and cream colored suit along with a purp tie and hat. What can mist wear alongsides of mandy so that they match nicely and blends well together? any ideas?

How to become a BLACK actress at 17?

Same way you become a WHITE actress. stand out in your performances, make ties to the industry, work on your body and have that look a person is loooking for. become popular locally, then state wide then nation wide (is on your side..sorry cant help it) and then world wide. get known. thats how everyone else did it. maybe show up for a disney audition to create a platform. get an agent of course, and theyll take u places

Poll: Have you ever had the urge to run up to some kid/guy bustin a sag...?

wha ... huh ... I read it as a concern over a bag line or bulge outline showing.... that's not a bad thing right?

I have a couple questions about car audio and wiring?

My first question is how do I know how many ohms my subs are, I bought them from a pawn shop type of place for a really good price because they knew nothing about them and they were taking up to much space. I know you can use a multi meter but I don't have one of those and I live in a rural area so audio shops don't really exist, I have 4 15" Memphis prs in a big sealed box, I checked the magnets earlier to see if it said how many ohms the sub was but itdoesnt so how else can I find out? Second question is I noticed that two subs are using the same terminal for each pair so 4 subs and only two terminals, what would be best a mono or two channel amp? Each sub has an rms of 250 watts so I know 1000 watt rms is what I need

Why "VADAI" or "Vada"/"Bada" made of Black gram(Ulutham paruppu/Urad ke dal) has a hole in the middle of it?

nalla vegum. the hole gives it more exposed surface for the oil to fry it evenly. for paruppu vadai (we call it masala vadai), the ulunthu maavu is not as concentrated as it is in ulunthu vadai. it's tered by the paruppu. so it doesnt need a hole to cook evenly.

Will bozo-town Celtics' Rajon Rondo get jimmered by a dude from Danny Angie's old college next year?

Jimmer will be a nice addition to any team. Will be exciting to see him. Let's hope he doesn't end up with a rotten team like the Celtics

Wat rumors wer der about James Blunt, his song You're Beautiful-his inspiration, and the lady he met in Kosovo

sum ppl say that the inspiration 2 his song Youre Beautiful came when he met some chick in Kosovo. but he denies it. wat r d rumos etc etc? its not a judgement call, its for his background and some project on the meanings behind his song, Youre Beautiful . . . . .

Should I move to Portland, Oregon or Sanfrancisco, California?

as the title asks....really. which city do You think is better? Why do you feel this way? What are some pros and cons? I have an opportunity to live in either place. I'm from Medford, oregon. Ive been living in Florida for 6 months now & I'm pretty ready to get out of here. Ive been to both Portland & Sanfrancisco. I like both cities.. good transportation, open-minded community, nature, trees.. lots of stuff to do. I'm torn between which city though,

First time gardener help please!?

there is not much to it really. find some good topsoil or potting soil and your containers at least a foot deep and plant your plants. you could also put some in hanging baskets by putting hooks on the outside rails of your porch vine plants do well in these. you will have to keep them watered.

Was this professional or just completely immature?

That was really bitchy, your teacher doesnt have the right to say that to you. That is absolutely immature.

I'm in love with my bestfriend.?

Ask the poor boy out! It's SO obvious he likes you but he's probably thinking the same thing you are. Do it!(: and be happy okay?

What is the standard of beauty these days?

I always thought what claudia lynx and aishwarya rai is/ people with big eyes and tanned skin what's your opinion?

How many fish can I put in my 14 gallon tank?

You can add only 2 or 3 more small fish. I suggest getting a pair of brightly colored platies to add more color, or get a small school of 3 rasboras.

How to improve at playing metal guitar?

you have to play all the time if you expect to improve on anything. you can't just expect to pick up a guitar and expect to sound like michael angelo batio. you have to work on it constantly, and try different styles. go throught acoustic, blues, clic, and grunge phases. play songs over and over, but also try new ones, too.

Who is the presiding officer of the senate? and in this person's absence who presides over the senate?

Who is the presiding officer of the senate? abd in this person's absence who presides over the senate?

Is it good to do squats or will it just hurt me?

I'm a basketball player and I wanna get explosive when I shoot my jumpshot. Is it good to do squats or will I just hurt myself?

Using a Fixed blade knife or Dagger in High School?

Im a freshmen in highschool and me and my friends bring knives to school. Ka Bar, SOG, Emerson, Boker, fixed blade daggers and karambits. People are concerned and i don't know why and we know how to hide weapons so we can't get in trouble. I bring a Ka Bar Foliage Green knife with an Emerson Folding Karambit to school with me each day. I've been to Sayoc Kali seminars so I know how to use these knives too. My real question is, what's wrong with bringing knives to school? People seem to not like to talk to me or they avoid me. I handle a lot of my issues with my fists. The Military martial arts that my dad taught me along with Krav Maga really helps me out. Now i'm known as some bad person i don't know why. I've never pulled knives on people, but i do show them to get people to cooperate with my demands such as leaving an area, or if they're doing something i believe is wrong.

How to get appraisal doent for fake Raybans?

I would go to any local high-end sungl store. You could probably find one in the mall. Hope this helps!!

Help me understand who is at fault here... I took my jet ski in for service and next thing I know its on fire?

Well they probably need the manual now to figure out the toasted and melted wiring. I think you are both at fault, they letting you take it out not completely fixed and you insisting that you wanted to use it. Have you contacted your insurance co regarding the damage? They may cover some of the repair.

I don't understand how I am so supposed to talk to people?

Not if you don't like those things. I'm sure you'll find someone with the same interests as you, you shouldn't have to change yourself to please other people. I'm the same way, I like to talk about race, music,uality, and different cultures because that's what I'm into.

Now that Purina has joined the Answers family...? you think we can call on them to make some Sheep Chow for the people who mindlessly follow their religions without ever questioning them?

Were you raised by a single parent and feel guilt or resentment?

I have never been and never will feel guilt or resentment towards my mother for being a single Mom. My mother did what she could with what she had to raise me and my brother to be the person we are now without any help from my father, who at the time was living in another state with another chick he chased after while he was married to my mom and two kids. If anything I feel proud of my mother because having kids is not easy and plus spending most of her life taking care of us and teaching us right from wrong, providing the best she could for us, all these things she did for me and you know what I never resented her for anything because she was all I need and I really never needed a father, he was just a sperm-donor and that was it. She may be a crazy woman but she's still my mom, if I ever had any hate towards someone it would definetly be my father because he did nothing for me and my brother except forcibly pay child support and that's it. Now that I'm older I hardly like my father and I don't honestly feel any love for him because he's like a stranger towards me as opposed to how I feel about my mother I give her all my love in my big heart, well a section there's room for other people also, LoL.

Ok. I;m looking for logical answers here on the paranormal.?

Actually that can happen as the result of occular migraines. My guess would be that it was either an occular migraine or something similar that caused your experience. SO instead of it being an outside source of light it may have been coming on as a result of a physical cause. I know it's not very supernatural but you did say you wanted some logic.