Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Were you raised by a single parent and feel guilt or resentment?

I have never been and never will feel guilt or resentment towards my mother for being a single Mom. My mother did what she could with what she had to raise me and my brother to be the person we are now without any help from my father, who at the time was living in another state with another chick he chased after while he was married to my mom and two kids. If anything I feel proud of my mother because having kids is not easy and plus spending most of her life taking care of us and teaching us right from wrong, providing the best she could for us, all these things she did for me and you know what I never resented her for anything because she was all I need and I really never needed a father, he was just a sperm-donor and that was it. She may be a crazy woman but she's still my mom, if I ever had any hate towards someone it would definetly be my father because he did nothing for me and my brother except forcibly pay child support and that's it. Now that I'm older I hardly like my father and I don't honestly feel any love for him because he's like a stranger towards me as opposed to how I feel about my mother I give her all my love in my big heart, well a section there's room for other people also, LoL.

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