Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Im 14 years old and have extreme lower back pain, help?

okay, well i started off having knee problems (patella dislocation), which led to hip problems (ITB irritation possibly), now i have back pain, i have scoliosis i just found out wednesday and they did measurements at the doctors, then at PT the next day. wed i was just sore all over, then thursday night my back pain was extremely bad, but i took vicodin and it went away (well not really i just ped out)... then friday i was in pain but i could control it..then friday night was pure hell. i was having muscle spasms and severe pain. so after trying EVERYTHING to make it go away, 2 vicodin 800 mg of ibuprofen hot shower and back mage nothing was working so i went to the ER and they gave me flexeril for the muscle spasms which works somewhat but doesnt make it completely go away, enough tho that im not writhing in pain. they also have me on vicodin still and ibuprofen (600 mg 4x a day), but as i said the pain isnt totally gone. any other tips of what to do??? thanks!

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