Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My two kittens, age 25 weeks, have been diagnosed with the Calicivirus. It's taken me three vets to get a?

Yes,I have had cats with calicivirus and Feline Virus ( rhinotracheitis),and it take from 5 days to 3 weeks for them to recover.The Lysine helps a lot,but it is usually used for Feline Virus,and not calicivirus. Of course the two viruses have many of the same symptoms,so your vet is probably prescribing Lysine just in case it's FHV instead of calici.Feeding them warm chicken broth and meat baby food helps to get them to eat.My vet never told me that my cats have to take the Lysine for the rest of their lives,though,only if they have a flare -up,which hasn't happened.And you can have your kitty fixed when she's recovered.If she does come into heat while she is sick,she probably won't do much,not feeling well.But if she gets to feeling better,she will roll,crawl,stick her in the air,vocalize and act generally stupid.Don't let her brother get to her,and don't let her get outside! you may have to separate the cats until you can get her spayed.Good luck and I hope the cats recover soon.

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